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The Struggle To Tell The Controversial True Story

20th Anniversary Edition

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SALLY HEMINGS: AN AMERICAN SCANDAL...THE STRUGGLE TO TELL THE CONTROVERSIAL TRUE STORY, 20th Anniversary edition celebrates the milestone for the award-winning, bestselling book, which followed the groundbreaking CBS miniseries that aired in 2000, depicting the relationship between the country's third president and constitutional founding father, Thomas Jefferson and his enslaved mistress, Sally Hemings. Offscreen, the miniseries helped lead to a white Jefferson descendant finally having a DNA test to compare with a Hemings descendant, that proved there was a familial  match.  Andrews won a coveted Writers Guild of America Award for writing the miniseries. In fact, the book includes the winning script, along with her recounting the long fight to bring the miniseries to production, as well as explaining the political and creative problems that plagued her writing of the script.  The 20th Anniversary edition also includes not only Andrews' updates of what has transpired regarding the Jefferson-Hemings story since the book's release, but a new, very meaningful foreword by actual Thomas Jefferson and Martha Jefferson descendant, Lucian K. Truscott IV, as well as Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings descendants, Shannon LaNier and Dr. Michele Cooley-Strickland.

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